Saturday, September 30, 2023

Sarili na Cortina? Ano Yon?

If you are from a family of doctors, did you feel pressure to join them in medicine?


Profile photo for Shane Ryoo

Shane Ryoo

related to several medical doctors+professorsAuthor has 7.2K answers and 32.1M answer viewsUpdated 4y

I felt some pressure. My father, cousin, one uncle (out of two), and both grandfathers were doctors. My only sibling became one.

Why didn’t I go into medicine?

I hate the smell of hospitals. It’s something that stuck with me since I was young.

My father wasn’t happy most days.

I wasn’t very good at biology. I still got As and A-s, but my physics and math performance was much better.

My father told me that he thought it wasn’t a good idea for me to go into medicine. He said the field was changing and doctors weren’t well compensated compared to before.

I went into electrical engineering, then compute

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