the world of work, being out of age, and silicon valley&
actually, the world of work comprises a bunch of people& who are really pressured to do the work of their families& these people are bothered everyday by problems that boggle the human mind and conscience&
ordinary folk like takehiro and sakura& they really study things on the computer and they think it's their school& they've been autogenerating& and enrolling on the computer since they were young&
they've been autogenerating and enrolling since they were young& on the computer& when they were children they were actually enrolled in gaia online& and they've been trying to solve many problems in their house& o((^▽^))o
they think school is like Pinoy Big Brother&
nakakahiya& but actually& the truth is& the problem of the world at present is really fangirls& or maybe just forgetting all about their problems& because everyone is currently on the plane& flying home& from the 90s&maybe you forgot all about the 90s& ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
actually, you cannot remember how they all tried to go to preschool& and it was filled with all of that stuff in the feed& and they actually fell asleep and had a comatose& o((^▽^))o
the 90s is really over& time to grow& (≧∇≦)/
so now, out-of-age& ang mga taong alam daw yung preschool& but they're big and fancy& full of plans& and prepared&
and the only thing that matters& the only thing that matters& yes is your family and the people close to you&
and finally wala naman palang nagpapakamatay& talaga& ganon%&
ganon na nga&
nakakahiya to; but actually& medyo kakaiba lang ang buhay&
..............haissst& what about work& and employment talaga& what about intrapersonal people%&
what about work and employment& actually, work and employment is& really like& finding a widepadpaper% and it's bigger than who you are% and you just go& because you want to%& you just agree go& just agree&go&
and you'll be employed& you want to take it on& you agree& you really want to take that on& you really just go and just learn& and it's who you are& it's who you might be& you like it& you just agree&
and in silicon valley& it's anything you might like& but be sure to use a computer for data purposes%
.......and all the work& and homework gets checked on facebook& by teachers and parents&
......and right from home& you can already work& get an idea#%
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